Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 5: Bits/Bytes

This past week in lecture, we learned about bits and bytes.  Basically, they determine the amount of space you have in an electronic device such as a computer.  For my business, I will divide my computer up into different folders and sections for each part of my company.  One folder will be food ordering, one will be the budget, one will be any expenses, and one will be miscellaneous.  I will then be able to see how many bits/bytes each folder and section of my business takes up.  Organization is key and if I run out of space, I should know how to fix it within my computer.  That is why staying on top of how much space I have left is very important.

Being organized connects straight into my food truck.  I need to organize my food truck just like bits/bytes organize a computer that I will be keeping my information in.  Having my business succeed is based on how organized I am with my food truck.  The money must be kept in the proper place as well as the food and anything else that I may have in the food truck with me to run my business.  I know this is a pretty abstract way to think of connecting bytes to my food truck business but it was the best I could do.  Any better ideas?  

1 comment:

  1. Organization is definitely important, especially when running a business. Bits and bytes comprise all stored data and it is important to know how they work and how much storage is necessary for your individual business.

    Various areas of your business will need different amounts of storage, ranging from finance to the inventory that your food truck currently has. Knowing your inventory will allow you to have lists of what food you can make and cannot make, allowing you to save time and not waste time making someone's order only to find out that you don't have enough, say, pickles to make the ordered sandwich.

    Storage is important and knowing how to utilize it in the most organized way is the key to running a successful 21st century business.
